Techno-Peer Intervention to improve Sexual Self Efficacy of Youth

The project, “Techno-peer intervention for improving sexual self-efficacy among the adolescents and youth of Pune District, Maharashtra” (Techno-Peer Project) was initiated on 1st of April 2018 with the support from ViiV Healthcare through Positive Action. The proposed intervention was conceptualized to approach HIV prevention as embedded within the wider context of human sexuality. The project worked towards improving self-efficacy of adolescents and youth to make informed and healthy decisions regarding HIV and sexual risk behaviors. Through this intervention, context specific audio-visual e-Learning resource material is created through active participation of adolescents and youth. The material is in the form of thematic videos on different domains of sexual health and resource directory for linkages to appropriate sexual health services. The e-Learning resources were disseminated to the target population through a dedicated web portal, social media platforms and by conducting screening and discussion sessions with the youth. Attempt was also made to train the volunteers who can screen the videos and conduct the discussion with a diverse group of youth.

This report highlights the important activities and learning in this project.
