grid_view HIV

The community based screening (CBS) for HIV is one of the programmatic strategies of the National AIDS Control program, India for improving early diagnosis, reaching first time testers and people who seldom use clinical services. The HIV program faced unprecedented challenges during COVID -19 pandemic. The pandemic disrupted HIV services during countrywide lockdown. The un-lockdown period was also challenging, due to travel and movement restrictions, social distancing and quarantine measures. This must have had several repercussions on uptake of HIV services through CBS. The new COVID -19 related norms posed several difficulties for community outreach through camps, group meetings and other outreach mechanisms. These new norms are likely to stay for a longer period of time until the situation unfolds completely, despite availability of the vaccine. With this view, Prayas had undertaken an evaluation study to understand the impact of Covid-19 on HIV testing through CBS in Maharashtra. The study tried to seek an in-depth understanding about program outcomes/processes influenced by Covid-19 situation, and the responses of implementing organizations.


  • To estimate impact of Covid-19 on CBS program outcomes
  • To understand the heterogeneity in outcomes achieved by key sub-populations
  • To understand the challenges posed by Covid-19 situation in reaching the unreached population through CBT program

Type of research: Mixed method study


Dr. Ritu Parchure (Principal Investigator)

Dr. Shrinivas Darak (Co-Investigator)

Funding: Indian Council of Medical Research

Start date: March 2021

End date:  December 2021