The word ‘Prayas’ means ‘focused effort’. Prayas is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Pune, India. Members of Prayas are professionals working to protect and promote the public interest in general and interests of the disadvantaged sections of the society, in particular.
Prayas (Health Group), or PHG, has been active in furthering public health agenda through its service provision, programmatic interventions, and research. The work of PHG started with awareness building regarding HIV in the very early days of the HIV epidemic, and provision of non-discriminatory, quality services for care and support. The Prayas clinic continues to provide services at affordable costs to people living with HIV. Later, a number of interventions, trainings, awareness programs, and research projects were initiated to address emerging needs of evolving HIV epidemic in India. This was expanded to address issues related to sexual health of young people, and cancer (cervical, breast and anorectal) prevention. More recently work around health impacts of household air pollution and climate change has been added to the focus areas.
PHG is characterized by a compact group of high quality professionals with social commitment and strong ethical values working in an informal, non-hierarchical networked structure. As an organization, PHG has an open, democratic style of functioning with most key decisions taken in a collective fashion. PHG is an equal opportunity organization and does not discriminate based on gender, religion, caste, or any other basis.
Our Approach
PHG stands for the principles of universal health care (UHC), integral to which are equitable access and affordable, accountable, appropriate health services of assured quality (promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative). UHC also implies that wider determinants of health are addressed to, while improving health of the population.
Our work reflects this approach. The focus of our research and advocacy is on public health issues afflicting the disadvantaged sections of the society. Our health interventions ensure non-judgmental, non-discriminatory, quality, affordable care and support. PHG also strives to take scientific knowledge and evidence to communities in simple, sensitive, non-judgmental, empowering and effective manner. It engages in generating evidence, building discourse and advocating for evidence informed public health policies and program implementations.