grid_view Preventive Oncology

In India, colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence rates have risen over the last two decades. Most of the reported cases of cancers are diagnosed at very advanced stages when curative therapies are less effective. No organized screening program for colorectal cancer has been organized in India, although sporadic, opportunistic screening might occur in urban areas of the country. Given the increased risk of CRC in India, there is a necessity to evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of CRC screening implemented through public health services as a potential CRC prevention and control initiative in the country. The project's overall objective is to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility, organization, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of CRC screening. It is a cross-sectional study involving the general population setting in Pune, India. It would guide the eventual large-scale scaling up of CRC screening in high-risk regions of the country.


  • Evaluate the feasibility of population-based colorectal cancer (CRC) screening using FIT and triage of screen-positive persons with colonoscopy
  • Assess the acceptability of FIT screening in the target population
  • Study the compliance rate to colonoscopy by persons with positive FIT screen and evaluate the performance and safety of colonoscopy

Describe the context, processes, and mechanisms of integrating CRC screening project elements into the existing organizational and management structures within the Indian health care services.

Type of research: Cross-sectional study


Dr. Smita Joshi (Principal Investigator)

Dr. Parimal Lawate (Co-Investigator)

Dr. Vinay Kulkarni (Co-Investigator)

Funding: Live Life Love Life Charity Foundation and Swarovski

CTRI registration number: CTRI/2021/06/034346

Start date: June 2021

End date:  March 2022